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P. 55

Stable Development                                                                                  Advantageous Environment

               of Finance and                                  How to Open a Bank Account

               Foreign Exchange                                                     In addition to an ARC (alien
                                                                                    residence certificate), a second
                                                                          With an   form of Identification, such as a
                                                                          ARC       passport, local driver's license or
               Financial Organizations                           Foreign            NHI (national health insurance)
                                                                                    card must be provided.
               Financial organizations in Taiwan are generally                      A valid passport with entry visa
               divided into deposit monetary institutions                 Without an   (or stamp) or Overseas Chinese
                                                                                    Identification Certification and
               such as domestic banks, branches of foreign                ARC       Record of ID No. in the ROC
               or Chinese banks, credit cooperatives, and                           must be provided.
               the credit departments of fishermen's and                            In addition to the certification
               farmers'associations; the Department of Savings            Registered  documents of the registration
               and Remittance of the Chunghwa Post Co.; and               with the   authority, minutes of the
               life insurance companies.                                  Taiwan    board of directors' meetings,
                                                                          government  the company's articles of
                                                                          authorities  incorporation or financial
               Administration of Foreign                         Foreign            statements must be provided.
               Exchange                                        Corporation  Not yet   Certificate of incorporation, IDs
                                                                          registered   of responsible persons, power of
               Taiwan has liberalized inbound and outbound                with the   attorney appointing representative
               foreign exchanges,  with exchange rates                    Taiwan    or agent in Taiwan, and the
               being  determined by market  supply  and                   government   withholding tax number notice
                                                                                    issued by the local tax authority
               demand. Inbound and outbound exchanges                     authorities  must be provided.
               of purely foreign-denominated capital that
               are not converted into or from New Taiwan
               Dollars are completely liberalized and can      processing bank, to the Central Bank for settlement
               be processed directly by banks. Inbound and     approval to maintain exchange stability of the New
               outbound flows involving the exchange of New    Taiwan Dollar. Foreign exchange receipts, payments
               Taiwan Dollars, inbound and outbound flows of   or transactions with a value equal to or exceeding
               funds for products, services, approved direct   NT$500,000 must be reported.
               investments, and securities investments are
               also completely liberalized. Currently, only
               short-term capital movements are subject to
               additional supervision. This includes companies,
               limited partnerships, or firms with an aggregate
               settlement amount of more than US$50 million
               per year; individuals and organizations with
               an aggregate settlement amount of more than
               US$5 million per year; and non-residents with
               a aggregate settlement amount of more than
               US$100,000 per transaction. In the above
               cases, applications shall be made, through the

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