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(b) Criteria for Graduates of World’s Top           work permit), which is valid for one to       Advantageous Environment
                    Universities to Come and Work in Taiwan:         three years, by the Immigration Bureau for
                    Graduates from the Ministry of Education’s       foreign special professionals planning to
                    official list of World’s Top Universities        engage in professional work in Taiwan with
                    engaging in specialized or technical work in     re-application prior to expiry permitted to
                    Taiwan are no longer required to have two        facilitate job search and changing jobs.
                    years of experience.
                                                                  (c) Work permit extensions: The validity of work
                 (c) Work permits for foreign freelance artists:     permits for foreign special professionals hired
                    Foreign freelance artists are allowed to         for professional work is extended from three
                    obtain work permits by applying directly to      to five years; an extension may be applied for
                    the Ministry of Labor without going through      upon expiration of the work permit.
                    their employers first.
                                                               (3)  Dependents of foreign professionals, foreign
                 (d) Issuance of job search visas: Foreigners     special professionals and foreign senior
                    coming to Taiwan to seek professional         professionals
                    employment and in need of a long-term visa
                    to conduct job searches may apply for job     (a) The  following  individuals  are  exempt
                    search visas that will allow them to stay for    from applying for work permits: Foreign
                    up to six months.                                professionals, foreign special professionals,
                                                                     and foreign senior professionals and their
               (2) Foreign special professionals                     spouses, minor children, and adult children
                                                                     who are unable to care for themselves due to
                 (a) Definition: A  foreign  professional  in        mental or physical disabilities, who have been
                    possession of a special expertise, which is      granted permanent residency.
                    determined and announced by the central
                    competent authority within the industry       (b) Issuance of individual  work permits to
                    concerned, in the fields of: science and         adult children: The adult children of foreign
                    technology, business, education, culture and     professionals, foreign special professionals, or
                    the arts, sports, finance, law, architectural    foreign senior professionals with permanent
                    design, national defense, or other fields        residency, who meet specific conditions for
                    needed  in Taiwan;  or  who  has  been           residency, may apply for a individual work
                    recognized by the competent authority in         permit.
                    consultation with the central competent
                    authority of the industry concerned as     2. Provisions for stay or residence of foreign
                    possessing special expertise.                 professionals and their dependents
                                                               (1) Exemption from applying for a resident visa:
                 (b) Issuance of Employment Gold Cards:
                    Relaxation of channels for issuance of        Professionals entering visa-free or on a
                    the 4-in-1 work permit, resident visa, Alien   visitor's visa and engaging in professional
                    Resident Certificate, and re-entry permit     work in Taiwan without needing to obtain
                    in the Employment Gold Card (individual       prior permission, is exempt from applying

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