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Appendix II Offices for Investment Services
Unit Services Contact Unit Services Contact
Acts as the primary service Address: 3F., No. 82, Aiguo E. Rd.,Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei Taoyuan Environmental Science and Technology Park
Department window for consultation Tel.: 886-2-2389-2111 Fax: 886-2-2382-0497 Address: No. 2, Lane 2, Datan Third Road, Kuanyin
of Investment services and assistance with E-mail: District, Taoyuan City
Promotion (MOEA) investment for foreign and Tel.:886-3-473-8025#13
Mainland Chinese investors. Fax: 886-3-473-8026
Provides overseas and Address: 1F., No. 82, Aiguo E. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
InvesTaiwan Service local investors with start-to- Tel: 886-2-2311-2031 Fax: 886-2-2311-1949 Tainan Environmental Science and Technology Park
Center finish service for investing in E-mail: Address: No. 36 MinJhi Rd, Sinying District, Tainan City
Taiwan. (Tainan City Government Economic Development
Bureau, MinJhih Civic Center)
Department of Handles regulatory, review Address: 8 Fl., No. 7, Roosevelt Rd. Section 1, Environmental Zone services, regulatory Tel.: 886-6-632-2231 Fax: 886-6-623-4005
Zhongzheng District, Taipei
and application procedures
Investment Review for foreign and Mainland Tel.: 886-2-3343-5700 Fax: 886-2-2393-8829 Science and information, investment
(MOEA) Chinese investors in Taiwan. E-mail: Technology Parks information, etc. Kaohsiung City Government Southern Region Environmental Science and Technology Park
Handles inquiries concerning Address: No. 17, Bengong Road, Benzhou Borough,
the Company Act and Address: No. 15, Fuzhou St., Zhongzheng District, Taipei ccccGangshan District, Kaohsiung City
Tel.: 886-7-624-1731
Administration of other regulations as well as Tel.: 886-2-2321-2200, Ext 8957
explanations of company
Commerce (MOEA) 886-2-412-1166 0800-231-314
registration applications Hualien Environmental Science and Technology Park
and other commercial Address: No. 68, Zhongmei Rd, Hualien City, Hualien County
administrative affairs. (Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County)
Nanzih and Nanzih II and III Technology Industrial Parks, Tel.: 886-3-823-7575
Kaohsiung Software Park II: Fax: 886-3-822-4320
Investment Services Group, Bureau of Industrial Parks,
Ministry of Economic Affairs Free Trade Zone Info
Address: No. 600, Jiachang Rd., Nanzi District, Kaohsiung Address: No. 10, Penglai Rd., Gushan District, Kaohsiung
Tel.: 886-7-361-1212, Ext 311-316 Tel.: 886-7-521-9000
Kaohsiung Cianjhen Technology Industrial Park, Linkuang Technology Port of Keelung Free Trade Zone
Industrial Park, Kaohsiung Chenggong Logistics Park Address: No. 1, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City
Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch Investment Services Section Tel: 886-2-2420-6283
Address: No. 2, Zhongyi Rd, Kaohsiung Processing Zone, Cianjhen District, Kaohsiung Port of Taipei Free Trade Zone
Technology Zone services, regulatory Tel.: Address: No. 123, Shanggang Road, Bali District, New Taipei City
information, investment
Tel: 886-2-2619-6025
Industrial Park Taichung Tanzi Technology Industrial Park, Taichung Software Park:
information, etc. Taichung Branch, Tanzi Office, Investment Services Section Port of Taichung Free Trade Zone
Address: No. 1, Jianguo Rd., Tanzi District, Taichung Address: No. 2, Section 10, Taiwan Avenue, Wuqi District, Taichung City
Tel.: Park service, related laws Tel: 886-4-2664-2170
Taichung Port Technology Industrial Park: Free Trade Zones and regulations, investment Port of Kaohsiung Free Trade Zone
Taichung Branch, Investment Services Section information Address: No. 10, Penglai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
Address: No. 6, Daguan Rd., Caonan Village, Wuqi District, Taichung Tel: 886-7-562-2207
Tel.: 886-4-2658-1215 Ext Port of Anping Free Trade Zone
Pingtung Technology Industrial Park: Address: No. 25, Xingang Road, Nan District, Tainan City
Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch, Pingtung Office, Investment Services Section Tel: 886-6-292-5756 #2152
Address: No. 1, Pingjia Rd., Qianjin Village, Pingtung City, Pingtung County Port of Suao Free Trade Zone
Tel.: 886-8-7518212 Ext 102-103 Fax: 886-8-751-8193 Address: No. 1, Port District, Suao Town, Yilan County
Emailjpt_service Tel: 886-3-997-2010
Hsinchu Science Park Administration, Taoyuan Free Trade Zone
National Science and Technology Council Address: No. 101, Hangxiang Rd., Dayuan District, Taoyuan
Address: No. 2, Hsin-Ann Rd., Hsinchu City Tel.: 886-3-399-2888
Tel.: 886-3-577-3311 Fax: 886-3-577-6222
Central Taiwan Science Park Administration, Local Business Every city and county in
Taiwan has an IDIPC, which
Zone services, regulatory National Science and Technology Council Promotion
Science Parks information, investment Address: No. 2, Zhongke Rd., Xitun District, Taichung Organizations serves to promote investment
and provide services for
information, etc. Tel.: 886-4-2565-8588 Fax: 886-4-2565-8811 – Industrial investors. Investors should Development contact the local IDIPC for
Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration, & Investment assistance when making an
National Science and Technology Council Promotion investment in a given locale
Address: No. 22, Nanke 3 Rd., Xinshi District, Tainan Committees or when they encounter
Tel.: 886-6-505-1001 Fax: 886-6-505-0470 (IDIPCs) difficulty. The Ministry of Economic
Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center Overseas Business Affairs and TAITRA have
Address: No. 1, Shennong Rd., Dehe Village, Changzhi Promotion established overseas offices
Township, Pingtung County Organizations – in the world's leading nations
Tel.: 886--8-762-2999 Fax: 886-8-762-3005 Overseas units and regions. These provide
Zone services, regulatory of the Ministry of easily accessible consultation
Agricultural information, investment Economic Affairs
Technology Parks information, etc. Taiwan Orchid Technology Park and the Taiwan services for those coming to
Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center,
invest in Taiwan; they also
Ministry of Agriculture External Trade assist Taiwanese businesses
Address: No. 325, Wushulin, Houbi, District, Tainan with investments in overseas
Tel.: 886-6-683-0164 Fax: 886-6-685-5509 Council (TAITRA) areas.