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and the arts, sports, finance, law, architectural design,   Item              Requirements
         national defense, and other fields needed in Taiwan as   of Foreign   GM and above: NT$100 million or more
         announced by the central competent authority of the industry   Investment  Section heads and above: NT$200 million or more
         concerned may apply for a 4-in-1 Employment Gold Card,   Last FY's   GM and above: NT$500 million or more
         which combines a work permit, resident visa, Alien Resident   Business   Section heads and above: NT$1 billion or more
         Certificate, and reentry permit via the Foreign Professionals   Managers  or  above  of  companies,  financial  juristic
         Online Application Platform of the National Immigration         persons, corporate juristic persons or international NGOs:
         Agency. The validity period of the Employment Gold Card is      Last fiscal year's taxable income in Taiwan: NT$3 million or more
         one to three years, and a card holder who remains qualified   Salaried   Current fiscal year's monthly income: NT$250,000 or more
         may reapply four months before expiration.              Income  If the person's annual salary is over NT$2 million or monthly   Vibrant Lifestyle
                                                                         salary is over NT$150,000, and the individual employed
                                                                         the same foreign domestic worker while still overseas
         In order to retain outstanding foreign talent over the long     before arriving in Taiwan for work, the person may apply to
         term, requirements related to permanent residency for foreign   bring that foreign national to Taiwan for employment as a
         professionals and their dependent stipulated in Articles 14     domestic worker.
                                                                         Foreigner personnel who have been recognized by the
         and 16 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of         central competent authority for their industry, served as senior
         Foreign Professionals have been relaxed with the aim of         manager of a foreign startup company or core technical
                                                                         personnel of an R&D team, and acquired by another
         enhancing incentives that will attract foreign professionals to   company for a transaction value of over US$ 5 million.
         reside long-term in Taiwan. The following details the relaxed   Foreigner personnel who have been recognized by the
         requirements:                                                   central competent authority for their industry, served as
                                                                         senior manager of a foreign startup company or core
                                                                         technical personnel of an R&D team, and have been a part
         1.  Flexible calculation of the required annual period of stay in   professionals  of a successful IPO.
           Taiwan for permanent residency applications: Considering   with specific  Foreign personnel who have been recognized by the central
           that international professionals move frequently between   expertise   competent authority for their industry, have served as senior
           different countries, it may not be easy to stay in Taiwan   currently not  executives of venture capital companies or funds, and
                                                                         have invested more than US$5 million in foreign startups or
           for 183 days every year. The calculation method of the        enterprises.
           application period for permanent residency has been           Foreign personnel who have been recognized by the central
           changed from the current 183 days every year to an            competent authority for their industry, have served as senior
                                                                         executives of venture capital companies or funds, and
           average of 183 days per year.                                 have invested more than US$1 million in foreign startups or
         2.  Shortened period of continuous residence in Taiwan for      Attach proof of work performance when applying for a new
           foreign professionals applying for permanent residence:       recruitment.
                                                                Note:  Managers of foreign branches or representatives attached to representative
           (1)  Foreign professionals: The five-year requirement for   offices are subject to the requirements given above for general managers.
             period of continuous residence in Taiwan remains the   According to the Guidelines for Expedited Immigration
             same. However, for foreign professionals that have   Inspection and Clearance for Foreign Business
             obtained a master's or doctorate degree in Taiwan, the   and Frequent Visitors to Taiwan, foreign business
             period has been reduced by one year and two years   professionals may qualify for expedited immigration
             respectively. For example, a foreign professional who   clearance if they meet one of the following criteria: Have
             was originally required to continuously legally reside in   invested at least NT$50 million in Taiwan, Are stationed
             Taiwan for five years to be able to apply for permanent   as supervisors or managers of foreign-invested firms or
             residence will now be able to apply for permanent   international enterprises, Are employed as a executives
             residence with the National Immigration Agency after he   or general managers of a Taiwanese enterprise,
             or she has continuously resided in Taiwan for only three   or Make significant contributions to the Taiwanese
             years for an average of 183 days per year if they have   economy. To receive this benefit, the businessperson
             obtained a doctorate degree in Taiwan.            must be recommended by their respective chamber
                                                               of commerce in Taiwan and approved by the Ministry
           (2)  Foreign special professionals: The required five-year   of Economic Affairs, with their information submitted to
             period of continuous residence in Taiwan has been   the National Immigration Agency for record-keeping.
             shortened to three years; and, for those who have been   Approval documents from the Immigration Agency
             conferred a doctorate degree from an institute in Taiwan,   along with passport may be taken to designated
             the required period is further reduced by one year.  counters  for  expedited immigration  clearance.

         3.  Permanent residency requirements relaxed for dependents:   Spouses and immediate family members can receive
           Five years of continuous residency in Taiwan for an   the same benefit when accompanying the approved
           average of 183 days per year is required for dependents   businessperson. Approval for expedited immigration
           of foreign professionals who have obtained permission for   clearance is valid for one year, beginning from the date
           permanent residency. Three years of continuous residency   that the Ministry of Economic Affairs notifies the National
           in Taiwan for an average of 183 days per year is required   Immigration Agency of approval. A qualified foreign
           for dependents of foreign special professionals who have   business person who has already obtained residence in
           obtained permission for permanent residency. No proof of   Taiwan can enjoy this benefit over the period for which
           financial resources is required.                    his or her residence permit is valid.
         Taiwan has established an excellent dispatching system and   Holders of an Employment Gold Card who possess an
         provides superior training for local domestic workers; foreign   alien resident certificate and multiple entry permit are
         nationals possessing the following qualifications may apply to   qualified to apply for and use the automatic inspection
         hire 1 domestic worker:                               customs clearance system. Furthermore, as a courtesy
                                                               to Employment Gold Card holders, cardholders entering
                                                               or leaving Taiwan may use the Employment Gold Card
                                                               counter for inspection and customs clearance.
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