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3. Incentives in Taichung Software Park
Land Rent Incentive Incentives
50% discount on land rental during construction. Limit of three years, and can only
Developers be used one time for each plot of land.
555 Incentive Standard rent is charged starting from when the first enterprise begins to use the building
(when the enterprise completes tax registration with the National Taxation Bureau).
Enterprises in the Park The "6688" land rental incentive plan is offered at the start of operations. Can only Advantageous Environment
(That Purchase a Buildings be used one time for each plot of land.
from a Developer) The plan offers a 40% land rental discount during years 1 and 2 and a 20%
6688 Incentive discount during years 3 and 4. Standard rent is charged starting in year 5.
The "006688"land rental incentive plan is offered at the start of construction and
Enterprises in the Park operations. Can only be used one time for each plot of land.
(That Lease-to-Build) The plan offers free land rental during years 1 and 2, a 40% discount during years
006688 Incentive 3 and 4, and a 20% discount during years 5 and 6. Standard rent is charged
starting in year 7.
Park Management Fee Years 1 and 2: 40% discount on the management fee
(Limited to Business
Operators Approved to
Operate in the Taichung Years 3 and 4: 20% discount on the management fee
Software Park Before
December 31, 2021) Year 5 and After: Standard fee is charged
Source: Bureau of Industrial Parks, Ministry of Economic Affairs (
4. Incentive Measures for the Expansion of the Pingtung Technology Industrial Park
Eligible entities: Companies that meet the conditions set forth in the ministry’s Pingtung Technology Industrial
Park Expansion Investment Promotion Announcement, and who have constructed buildings for at least 150%
of the allowable floor area.
Land Rent Incentive Incentives
Businesses in the park (excluding developers) who are approved for business
before Dec 31, 2030 (according to the date of completion of tax registration with
the National Tax Administration) may receive a 6688 management fee discount.
Management Fees
The management fee for the first and second years will be discounted 40%, the
management fee for the third and fourth years will be discounted 20%, and the full
original fee will be charged from the fifth year onwards.
Businesses within the park that have leased land and obtained a building use
Land Rental permit before Dec 31, 2030 are eligible for a two year land rental exemption.
Each lot is limited to A SINGLE application for this incentive.
Source: Bureau of Industrial Parks, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Low-Interest Loans
¾ Preferential loans to firms entering the Agricultural Technology Park: Loans are provided to firms occupying
sites in the park for the construction, or purchase of plants or related facilities or equipment, or working
capital. The maximum loan amount is NT$ 80 million (NT$10 million in the case of loans for working capital).
However, loans shall not be subject to this restriction when the Ministry of Agriculture has approved capital
expenditures for plant construction within the park on a special case basis.
¾ Loans for Production, Marketing, Operations and R&D by Farmers'Associations and Agricultural
Enterprises: Loans of up to NT$50 million are available for production, marketing, operations and R&D
by farmers'associations and agricultural enterprises engaged in businesses that promote government
agricultural policy.