Page 4 - 2024 BRAVO! TAIWAN_en
P. 4
B R AV O !
Taiwan is centrally located in the Asia-Pacific, with Continental America across the Pacific
to the east, Japan to the north, the massive interior of Mainland China to the west, and the
emerging markets of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to the south. Whether for
shipment by sea or air, Taiwan is in an excellent position for linking to the Asia-Pacific and
global markets.
Taiwan' s products are marketed worldwide, its technology industry is a world-leader, and
it has innovative research and development (R&D) capabilities, an entrepreneurial spirit in
constant search of improvement, a friendly investment environment that is world class, and
mature and rational citizens. Its industrial sector possesses outstanding production capacity,
and its investment environment has performed strongly in international rankings. Taiwan has
the world' s densest collection of industrial clusters, each rich in innovative R&D capabilities
and production experience. Investors who choose Taiwan to serve as their Asian regional
innovation center or operational headquarters will quickly be able to penetrate the emerging
markets of the Asia-Pacific.
Among Taiwan's leading soft powers is the innovative abilities of its citizens. Their
achievements are frequently recognized in international competitions, especially in the areas
of innovation, invention and design. In past years, they have excelled in world-leading design
competitions, including Germany's Industrie Forum Design Hannover and Red Dot, Japan's
Good Design, and the United States' IDEA.